In the heart of Africa nestled in the tropical escarpments lies a cradle of beauty the pearl of Africa, Uganda. A cradle far too spectacular only fit for imagination in its vast wilderness of various ecosystems, vegetation types, and diverse landscapes. The highlands of Uganda are some of the incredible features that have attracted several tourists from all over the world. Mountain Rwenzori is the highest elevation in Uganda with an altitude of about 5, 109 meters above sea level. This mountain is located in the western region of the country bordering the Democratic Republic of Congo.

It is home to numerous flora and fauna species and also bird species. Rwenzori Mountain also harbors several water bodies from lakes to rivers and waterfalls. The mountain is the main source of several rivers and lakes , filling the country’s different rivers, lakes, and waterfallsin the whole country. It is even believed that Mountain Rwenzori is the main source of the longest river in the world, the River Nile. Why is it a water source of many water bodies yet it’s a mountain, you may ask? Well, the answer lies in several meters above sea level on the top summits of Mountain Rwenzori. Given the mountain’s elevation of approximately 5,109 meters, Rwenzori Mountain is snow-capped with incredibly large glaciers that often melt under humid conditions.

This produces thousands of gallons of water that flow downstream filling the different rivers, lakes, and waterfalls in the country. This water is very important for the survival of not only plant and animal life but also human life as well. The mountain ranges of Rwenzori are one of the large ranges stretching across several square kilometers. These ranges capture some of the 6 incredible mountains and these include the following.

Mount Stanley

Mount Stanley is one of the mountain ranges of Mountain Rwenzori and is the highest mountain elevation in the country and the third in Africa after Kilimanjaro and Mount Kenya. Mount Stanley was named after the British explorer Henry Morton Stanley who in the 1880s discovered it. Mount Stanley bears the highest elevation peak Margherita standing at 5,109 meters above sea level.

Mount Speke

This is the next mountain on the Rwenzori mountain ranges stretching across the Mountain Rwenzori National Park. Mount Speke with its altitude of approximately 4,890 meters is the second-highest mountain range after Stanley. It forms a triangular enclosure together with Mount Baker and Mount Stanley all covered with incredible glaciers and their area is what is known as the Mountains of the Moon. This area encircles the upper Bujuku Valley area and the closest mountain is Stanley 3.55 kilometers.

Mount Baker

Mount Baker has an elevation of about 4,578 meters above sea level making it the sixth highest mountain on the African continent. It is located near the border of the Democratic Republic of Congo. It is named Kiyanja by the local people of the Bajonko tribe that inhabit the slopes of the Rwenzori mountain ranges.

Mount Emin

Mount Emin was named after the great explorer Mohammed Emin Pasha who explored most of central and eastern Africa. This mountain stands at an altitude of over 4,798 meters above sea level. Mount Emin lies between the border of the Democratic Republic of Congo and Uganda. It can be trekked from either the side of Congo or Uganda. Though Mount Emin has a very high elevation, it is not snow-capped like its other counterparts.

Due to this factor, Mount Emin can easily be trekked compared to the other snow-capped mountains in the Mountain Rwenzori ranges. Mount Emin is located north of the triangular encirclement made up of Mount Stanley, Mount Baker, and Mount Speke.

Mount Gessi

Mount Gessi is also located on the northern side of the triangular encirclement of the three mountains of Stanley, Baker, and Speke. It is located at a high elevation of about 4,578 meters. It was named after the Italian explorer by the name of Romulo Gessi. Mount Gessi is part of the 6 mountains on the Rwenzori ranges. Mount Gessi has two peaks that are separated that are Lolanda at 4, 715 meters in altitude and Bottego at an altitude of over 4,699 meters.

Mount Luigi Di Savoia

This mountain is also part of the Rwenzori mountain ranges. This mountain was named after the Duke of Abruzzi the famous mountaineer who climbed almost all the peaks of the Rwenzori ranges although they didn’t hike Mount Luigi Di Savoia.

The mountain has different peaks including Stairs Peak at 4545 meters, Sella Peak at 4627 meters, and Weismann Peak at 4620 meters above sea level. This mountain among the six Rwenzori mountain ranges has the shortest elevation among them. Just like Mount Emin and Mount Gessi, Mount Luigi Di Savoia has no glaciers.

In conclusion, the six mountains of the Rwenzori mountain ranges can be accessed on a hiking adventure experience to the top summits. You will encounter several flora and fauna species as well as features like water bodies that will brighten up your hiking experience. Contact us now and we make your wildest dreams come to pass from fantasy to reality.